Legal Articles by Michael Chambers & Co LLC

Civil marriage in Cyprus is governed by the provisions of Marriage Law (104(I)/2003) and it is under the jurisdiction of municipalities. Specifically, a civil wedding is officiated by the Mayor, or any other member of the municipal council, authorised by the Mayor. Additionally, a wedding ceremony could be performed by an individual authorised by the Minister of Interior for this particular purpose.

Limassol is a popular tourist destination. The fantastic weather together with the romantic ambience makes Limassol an ideal location to get married. Many couples from all over the world choose Limassol to perform their wedding and celebrate their marriage, in combination with a (honeymoon) vacation.


  1. The two parties must be adults of sound mind. However, individuals who have turned 16 years of age are also allowed to get married provided they have the consent of their parents or legal guardians. If there are no legal guardians, then the consent of the Supreme Court is needed. It should be underlined that written consent is necessary and is made in the presence of the Mayor;
  2. An absolute consent from both parties;


  1. Passports
  2. Certificate of no impediment of marriage issued from the country of origin of both parties. These declarations/certificates can be issued by the registry office/parish registry, the Minister of Interior or Foreign Ministry of the countries of both parties or by Embassies. All the necessary documents must be translated into Greek or English. Note that UK citizens may submit an affidavit from the District Court of Limassol or a lawyer. The translated documents must be duly certified and signed by the aforementioned legal persons.
  3. Divorce certificates (absolute decree), issued by the Courts or the Church. Moreover, the divorce certificate must be accompanied by an affidavit stating that the two parties have not remarried.
  4. In the case of widowhood, an original or certified copy of the death certificate is required.
  5. Original or certified copies of birth certificates.
  6. Cypriot citizens should submit a confirmation of being single/divorced issued by the Ministry of Interior. In order to receive the above confirmation by the Registrar Officer, the two parties must submit a sworn declaration of being single/ divorced signed at a Court, and the original divorce certificate which bears the seal that became absolute. This certificate is issued within a few days by the Registrar Officer. The payable fee for this certificate is €34.17.
  7. Cypriot citizens must submit a Certificate for Thalassaemia.


Fees payable to the Republic of Cyprus:

  • For a copy of the Marriage Certificate: €14
  • For certificate pursuant to section 31 of Law 104(I)/2003: €34
  • For Information from the Registrar’s Books: €17

Fees payable to Municipalities:

  • Weddings with notice: €128
  • Weddings before the lapse of 15 days: €282
  • Fee for a copy of the Marriage Certificate: €14
  • Fee for information obtained from the Municipal Registers: €17

Note: The above fees may change.

Civil Wedding between Foreigners or Foreigners with Cypriot Citizens:

Individuals desiring to have their wedding performed in Cyprus under the provisions of the Marriage Law, may only apply personally after their arrival on the island, to the Marriage Officer of the Municipality of their choice, in order to arrange all the necessary formalities.

A civil wedding between foreigners or between a foreigner and a Cypriot citizen can be performed in either one of the following ways:

  1. Present notification of wedding.

The wedding cannot be held within the first 15 days from the date of notification and not later than three months from that particular date. As a result, the interested parties should stay in Cyprus for a minimum of 20 days.

  1. Have the wedding before the lapse of 15 days.

The interested parties submit their application to the Mayor of the Municipality of their choice in order to register their wedding.  In this case, the wedding can be held within 2-3 working days.

Our Services:

The Cyprus lawyers of Michael Chambers & Co. LLC may arrange everything for you and assist you with all the necessary procedures effectively and efficiently whether you are based in Cyprus or not. If you wish to speak to one of our lawyers, then please contact us:

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