Legal Articles by Michael Chambers & Co LLC

The civil partnership (Law 184(I)/2015) legitimises the union between two individuals, regardless of gender. In other words, the civil partnership permits same-sex and opposite-sex couples to legitimise their relationship. Therefore, the approval of civil partnership by the National Parliament marks a progress concerning LGBTQI rights and equality in Cyprus.

Following the approval of civil partnership legislation, the District Offices receive many requests from Cypriot and foreign couples coming to Cyprus in order to conclude a civil partnership.

Civil Partnership and Marriage:

According to section 4 of Law 184(I)/2015 the civil partnership embraces the same rights as marriage, unless otherwise specified in the law. Therefore, any legislation of the Republic of Cyprus related to “spouses” will be interpreted as “partners”. However, the Adoption Law is exempt.


The two parties must:

  • Be adults of sound mind;
  • Be able to assess their decision;
  • Give their free consent. In other words, they should not be forced or under pressure;

Note that the conclusion of a civil partnership between parents and adopted children is not allowed.

Procedures and Necessary Documents:

The two parties must present themselves to the Registrar of the district where one of them resides or to the district of their choice, in case they are not permanent residents of the Republic of Cyprus. It should be mentioned that it an appointment must be scheduled in order to proceed with the conclusion of civil partnership.

Each of the parties must submit the following documents:

  • A valid ID card or passport or another equivalent travel document;
  • An affidavit stating that:
    1. He or she is not married or has not concluded any other civil partnership which is still in force;
    2. He or she is not aware of any legal obstacle for concluding a civil partnership;
  • The required consent is granted or this kind of consent is not necessary;
  • Duly certified original or copy of the certificate of no impediment of marriage/civil partnership or any other equivalent document issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin of each of the parties.

In Cyprus, certificate of no impediment of marriage/civil partnership is issued by the Civil Registry and Migration Department following the submission of the necessary documents. If one of the parties is a foreigner and permanent resident of Cyprus, then he or she is obliged to submit a certificate of no impediment of marriage/civil partnership issued by the Civil Registry and Migration Department and a certificate of no impediment of marriage/civil partnership issued by the competent authority of his or her country of origin.

Moreover, each of the parties must submit the Civil Partnership Form, duly completed and signed by them.

Following the submission of the necessary documents, the Registrar asks the parties to affirm the conclusion of Civil Partnership. Afterwards, the Registrar reads the relevant documents to the parties and asks them to sign the Civil Partnership Document, which is also signed by two witnesses of sound mind who have turned 18 years of age.

Once the necessary fee is paid, the Registrar issues the Civil Partnership Certificate in three duly signed copies. Afterwards, the Registrar files all the related documents together with the Civil Partnership Certificate to the Register.

The Registrar gives one duly signed copy to each partner and one duly signed copy to the Deputy Registrar.


Fee for the conclusion of civil partnership€90
Fee for issuing a copy of civil partnership certificate€15
Fee for issuing a certificate of no impediment of marriage/civil partnership by the Civil Registry and Migration Department / per person€34.17

Our services:

The family lawyers of Michael Chambers & Co. LLC may provide you with professional legal advice on all matters related to the conclusion, annulment and dissolution of civil partnership. Furthermore, our Cyprus lawyers may assist you with all the necessary legal and administrative procedures. If you wish to speak to one of our lawyers in absolute confidence, then please contact us:

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